Flutter Framework

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Embark on a mobile app development journey with our Flutter Framework course. Learn how to craft stunning, cross-platform applications using Dart programming language. From beautiful UIs to smooth animations, discover the power of Flutter in creating engaging user experiences.

Flutter Framework Outline:

  1. Introduction to Flutter

   – Overview and history

   – Dart programming language

  1. Getting Started

   – Installation and setup

   – Flutter project structure

  1. Widgets and UI

   – Basic widgets

   – Layouts and theming

  1. State Management

   – Stateful and stateless widgets

   – Provider and Bloc patterns

  1. Navigation

   – Routing and navigation basics

   – Navigation drawer and tabs

  1. Networking and APIs

   – HTTP requests

   – Integration with REST APIs

  1. Persistence

   – Local data storage

   – SQLite database

  1. Animation

   – Introduction to animations

   – Implicit and explicit animations

  1. Testing and Debugging

   – Unit testing

   – Debugging tools

  1. Deployment

    – Deploying the application on both iOS and Android platforms.

    – App store considerations.



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What Will You Learn?

  • Agile development and its importance.
  • Knowledge about Dart and Git.
  • SQLite language and its integration with flutter.
  • Basic knowledge of native programming languages such as c#, Java, Lua, and kotlin.
  • Building highly efficient Coding knowledge.

Course Content

Benefits of studying Flutter Framework
Due to its quick development cycle and portability, it acts as a perfect platform for creating minimum viable products (MVPs) and prototyping. So one can use this framework to test their business ideas across various platforms. As it is a single code base it will be very useful in creating single-page web applications and progressive web apps (PWAs)

Career in Flutter Framework
It is good for beginners as it acts like a single platform for creating all applications. Other than beginners it will be very useful for mid-level experienced persons who have knowledge in Flutter development for Android and iOS, and automation testing. They can earn double the time of freshers in this Field. The average Starting salary of a flutter Framework Developer is 1.4 lakhs per annum. The experienced professional can gain up to 10.7 lakhs per annum.

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